Top 5 Upcoming Technology | Not soo Far

There are so many new technologies that will come in the future, but some of the technologies are not so far here are a few of them.

 1. RPA (Robot Process Automation)

  • The repetitive task is fully takeover by robots.
    • like, Processing transactions.
    • Replying emails
    • Interpreting application
  • According to data it will take over 9% of global workforce, 230 million people.
  • But for IT professional it will open plenty of new career opportunities.
  • For RPA professional you will get 40LPA.
2. Edge Computing
  • Based on Cloud Computing.
  • Major Player for this technoloy are:
    • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
    • Microsoft Azure 
    • Google Cloud
  • It helps to bypaas the latency like shortcomings of cloud computing.
  • It will process the time sensitive data when there is limited or no connectivity to a centralized location.
  • Edge computing will increase with the increase of Internet Of Things (IOT).
  • By 2022 Edge Computing market is expected to reach 491Billion rupees.

3. Virtual Reality(VR) and Augmented Reality(AR)
  •  VR is primiraly used for gaming, and also used for training like
    • Simulation software used in train 
    • Navy, Army, Cost Guard ship captions
    • For surgery 
  • Both VR and AR is used in ...
    • Entertainment
    • Education 
    • Marketing
    • Rehabilitation after an injury
    • Museum, theme parks
  • For getting job in this feild you should have basic programming skills and a forward thinking mindset.

4. Cyber-Security
  • As data will increase we should start thinking about it security
  • As hackers increases, Cyber Security will increases 3x faster than other tech jobs.
  • As a result, it's predicted that 3.5million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2022.
  • It is also paying you 6 figure of income.

5. Blockchain
  • Most people think that blockchain technology is only for cryptocurrencies, but it is more than that.
  • Blockchain also offer security that is useful in many ways.
  • In simplest term blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from or change. Hence the term "chain" because you're making a chain of data.
  • Block chain related jobs are 2nd fastest growing jobs. Salary for Blockchain Developer will


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